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Create Animations in Swift Programming

With Swift, one can create an app with animations. This can be achieved as follows:

Container View Transitions

If you want to perform an animated transition between views, perform this transition in a parent container. In the example below, we are going to perform an animated transition between two UIViews which are colored. The container of the animation will be the third UIView. Let us start by setting up three views in the viewDidLoad() function:

Just run the app. A red square will be the output.

Now to achieve the animation between the two squares, let’s create add a @IBAction to the button in the storyboard:

After running the app, you will notice that we will get stuck with the blue square. Let’s solve this by adding some logic code which will check the visible square:

The transition will then be added as follows:

The above will output a unique transition:

iOS-Swift-animation-programming-tutorial Create Animations in Swift Programming

The red view will be changed to blue. You can also choose to set the transition to any style of choice such as:

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